Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter water woes

Just the other day, John & I were talking about the most difficult issue to deal with when living "off grid".  In our case, "off grid" does NOT include lack of electricity.  We're on the grid & we like it that way.

No, our most difficult issue is water.  Having pump issues, or frozen lines, really makes life challenging.  And so this morning, we have no water.  I almost feel like we jinxed ourselves!  We have plenty of stored water for drinking/cooking.  But not for showers or toilet flushing.  I can go a few days without a shower.  But not flushing the toilet isn't so good.... YUCK!

So when my hubby and son were finished with their breakfast, the started the Great Frozen Waterline Adventure...

First, they checked under the kitchen sink, where the water line enters the house.  Nope, no ice there.  So out come the winter coveralls, gloves & hat, boots (it was 8F after all).  And they trudge out to the pump house.  They wrestle with the roof/top to expose the pump & small tank.  DAMN RATS!!! Or evil chipmunks. Some little rodent-type critter has been stealing all the fiberglass insulation and now the connection for the pump and the tank are exposed & frozen.  Now, they trudge out to the workshop and get the small propane torch.  Five minutes later, we have water.

Out comes more insulation & a few packets of rat poison.  The top is back on & we're back to life as normal.

I am so glad this problem was so easy to fix.

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