Sunday, September 15, 2013

A beautiful fall morning

I know it's not "technically" Autumn.  Not until next Friday, but this morning was very fall-like.  It was 52F when I got up this morning.  I had to put a sweater on to talk the dogs for their morning walk.

I like the crispness of fall.  I like the way the air feels and the sound of crunchy leaves under my feet.

John and Joshua got busy with the tractor this morning and finally got a chance to move some of the sections of the tree we had removed back in July.  Some of it can be used for lumber, the rest will be firewood.  Here a quick picture I took from the kitchen window.  John was talking to Josh about using the different levers (I think)...  not really sure because I wasn't close enough to hear the conversation.

Meanwhile, I was pulling grass and weeds out of the front walkway.  The dogs were hanging out near by.    Here's the link to the video.
Peanut and Cricket playing

Yesterday, our friend Michelle Friend came over to spend the day.  We spent about an hour and each painted a silk scarf.  Here's how mine came out.

Silk scarf painted with Setasilk paint
I got the scarves and paint from Dharma Trading Company.  They have wonderful products!  Dharma Trading Company sundyeing kit .

On the first weekend of October we'll be participating in the Hardy Homesteader's Day at Loberg Park in Hardy, AR.  Our friends Gena Stout, Jerry Friend and Michelle Friend will be in our display with us.  We'll be spinning, weaving and talking with the public.  We dress in period clothes.  Here's a picture or two from last year.

Gena Stout weaving on a triangular loom.  The shawl she has on was woven the previous year.

Josh and John get the spinning wheels set up.

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