I haven't been inspired to write lately.... I felt like I was boring people. Is anyone interested in what I'm cooking today? Did they care about my flower and veggie garden? My pets? My knitting?
I enjoy my lifestyle very much. I'm blessed to be in a position to spend my days with my husband and son. We enjoy each other's company. We get along well. We each work on our projects. If we're working on something together, we communicate well. No raised voices (except to yell NO!!!! at the dogs when the UPS truck comes).
So anyway, here's what's been going on here.
My elbow and hand are slowly recuperating after surgery earlier this year for carpal tunnel and ulnar nerve compression. My right arm and hand are still numb. This makes me even more awkward than I was because of my Parkinson's. This is frustrating! I have cuts and scrapes on my hand & I have no idea I've hurt myself. It takes me longer to do my crafts. Hand sewing and beading are very slow... Fingerweaving is also very slow. Kumihumo isn't really effected, as I can use my left hand to move the threads. Spinning is a bit slower, but not too bad. Knitting and crochet are slower, but I am completing projects.
The flower beds are all weeded, the veggie garden is planted. We've been harvesting asparagus and mixed salad greens. Tomatoes, squash, melons, cucumbers, bell peppers, potatoes, rhubarb and Jerusalem artichokes are up and growing. The fruit trees have fruits growing, as do the berry bushes. That makes me happy.
Both dogs are healthy. Our cat, Rusty, died in January. This made me very sad. I miss him.
We lost a hen and a rooster this past winter. I also gave a trio away. So, we're down to a Rhode Island Red trio, a Black Copper Maran hen and a Brahma Cochin hen, a trio and another pair of duckwing bantam, and a pair and a trio of guinea fowl. A grand total of 5 large chickens, 5 bantam chickens and 5 guinea. I do have eggs in the incubator. They should hatch on the 21st.
Our granddaughter, Ariel, will be spending the summer with us again this year. I really enjoy our time together. She's growing up so fast. She's 12 this year. Not a little girl anymore. The past 10 years have really flown by.
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