I went to the family doctor back in December and told him my right arm & elbow were really bothering me. Pain in my elbow, traveling up to my elbow. He referred me to the same orthopedic surgeon I had seen 2 years ago, Dr. Varela, in Mountain View.
Two years ago my right hand and elbow were hurting. Tennis elbow was the diagnosis. After several cortisone shots, I had outpatient surgery to relieve the pressure on my nerve. That surgery wasn't too bad. A week in a surgical wrapping, a few months wearing a splint... and all was well.
But now my elbow has been hurting on the other side. We arrived at the office on 28th. Dr. Varela listened to my complaint... Poked my elbow and had me squeeze his fingers. He had one of his staff come in and do a nerve conductivity test. Just what I love... having someone shock my arm over and over until I almost jump out of my chair.... He came back in and told me I have both carpal tunnel syndrome and nerve compression of my ulnar nerve. What did I want to do? "I want to be able to garden and knit without pain". And when did I want to do this? "As soon as possible". Can we come tomorrow? "You bet"!
So now I have a surgical wrapping on my right arm. And some pain pills. I spent the first 3 days stationed in my chair, arm elevated, watch the boob tube all day. Oh, fun, fun... I could at least move my arm around the next few days. Not using my hand, but I could atleast move around. We went out to lunch. Eating in public with my "off" hand and Parkinson's disease was an adventure. But I managed.
Joshua has been caring for my birds. John or Josh have been cooking. I need help with buttons, barettes, tights, bra... I feel like a 4 year old!
I took care of the birds today. And my fingers are now swollen and burning. Cripes! Back into the house and take half a pain pill... and type this rant one handed.
I go back to see Dr. Varela on Monday to get the surgical dressing off and the stapes out. I understand I will be wearing a splint for several weeks/months to come.
OK. Enough gripping.
The hellebores are blooming. Don't they look nice?
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