Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Another cool foggy morning

It's another cool morning here in the woods.  It rained most of the day yesterday.  And so now the ground is nice and wet.  And this morning it's 32 degrees.  I know my poor chickens have cold feet!

Gus and Greta

Gus and Greta do pretty well regardless of the weather.  Now Gus is a big rooster.  He's a Brahma Cochin.  Brahma for big and Cochin for feathery feet.  He's a good guy and treats his hens well.  He clucks to them and shows them where the goodies are.  And they make great eggs and babies.

I enjoy taking care of my chickens every morning.  Peanut and I go out and make sure everyone has food and water.  Water is so important, cold weather and hot.


Peanut is the self-appointed critter checker.  Notice our lavender guinea Curly Joe behind Peanut in this picture?

Peanut makes sure EVERYONE is where they are supposed to be and doing what they are supposed to be doing. 

She makes sure there are no unauthorized visitors to the yard.... 

On chipmunk watch

No chipmunks allowed under the farm truck!


But cat's on the truck is OK.

When I hatch out chicks, Peanut has to inspect the chicks each and every morning.  She has to make sure they're still in there!

Rhode Island Red chicks
You have to make sure you put rocks in the water dispenser.  No drown chicks for us!

Hope you enjoy the critter pictures for today.

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