I don't have much to talk about today. Joshua & I are going to run errands. Being it's the first of the month, we need to hit up the bank, grocery store, farm store and pharmacy.
We get our medication 3 months at a time, from The Pill Box Pharmacy. That helps with budgeting & also helps us feel like we always have our meds on hand. Neither of us take any heart, blood pressure or diabetic medications. Just the meds we need to help control our Parkinson's disease symptoms. We both take sinemet cr 50/200. It still works well for me.... but not so well for John. He never stops shaking now... which is very tiring. His voice is very low & his speech is very slurred. He has trouble chewing (and his dentures don't fit correctly). I have to cook all our red meat in the pressure cooker or he can't eat it.
We both also take a med to help control muscle spasms. We both get them - and those suckers HURT. The arch of my feet cramp & my toes curl up. Then the spasm goes up my calf muscle & into the back of my leg. Sometimes it travels all the way up my back. My left hip sometimes spasms and I can't bend my leg or rotate my legs "outwards". When this happens, sitting is very painful. Sometimes it happens when I get into the car. And sometimes I have to open the door & stick my leg out straight, just so I can be in the seat! Needless to say, this makes driving difficult!
Josh usually drives everywhere. Sometime I drive to Hardy for a quick grocery store run. Or to make a visit to Artasia the local yarn store. I love that store. Check out their Facebook page, Artasia. Laura & Janet make you feel welcome. They have great supplies for various crafts & also items to sell that were made by local artists.
When we go to the farm store, we go to Hersch Feed in Thayer, MO. And we go to Simmons Bank in Mammoth Springs.
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