Living life in rural Arkansas with my husband Johnnie and stepson Joshua. Johnnie and I both have Parkinson's disease. This makes life a challenge, but we're living a full life with each other as best we can. We really enjoy living in the woods. We spend our days making things, eating good food, watching a movie or two on TV. We enjoy learning new things and keeping our life focused on the positive.
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Circular Loom Knitting
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
Jupiter /Saturn Conjunction
Friday, December 11, 2020
Finished up with the Christmas knitting
Hurrah! I'm done! Since October, I've knitted 4 pair of socks, 2 pair of gloves & 2 hats. I finished the last pair of finger-less gloves last night.
I knitted a pair of socks for my niece, Tricia. I think they came out well.
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Tricia's socks |
I also knit a pair of shooting gloves for her husband, Patrick. This is an interesting pattern. Basically, you make a pair of finger-less gloves, then you go back & knit a "toe" or "mitten" cover to fold back down over the fingers. Making a mitten... Great for shooting, or general outdoors type work when it's cold. The loop on the end is to slip over a button sewn onto the cuff. Keeps it out of the way when you have your fingers exposed.
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Shooting gloves |
Thursday, December 3, 2020
Why I love wool... (from an admitted fiber junkie)
I love wool! I love the feel of it! I love the smell of it. I love spinning it, weaving with it, knitting with it. I love dyeing it... I love wearing it. Yes, I even love crocheting with it. It's been a life-long love... ever since I got my first wool blanket eons ago.
I'm knitting socks & gloves for Christmas this year. One pair of each got sent off to PA last month & still hasn't arrived. The box is "in transit" somewhere in rural PA... I hope it's not lost & gone forever!
I'm on my 2nd pair of socks to go to GA to daughter & granddaughter. Daughter's partner wants alpaca commercial socks, so those are en route to our house. Once I get the fingerless gloves done I'll get that package on the way.
As I said, I love wool. So... I saw an ad for this merino wool dress on Facebook. Wooland I checked it out. Now I'm trying their 100 day dress challenge. I'm wearing the Sofia midi-dress. I'm on day 11 & I'm loving it! I got the dress in navy blue...
I've laundered the dress twice. When it first arrived and then after the first week. I simply washed it in warm water in the kitchen sink. I used a dab of my shampoo, then rinsed it well. I squeezed out the excess water then hung it up to dry. It worked well. The fabric didn't stretch and the color didn't run.
Wool keeps you warm when it's wet... It has natural elasticity, so it has some give. And you can wear the same garment for an extended amount of time. I have 1 pair of wool socks that are over 10 years old. I don't wear them all day every day, but I have been wearing them for those 10 years.
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Why are computers (and doctors) so damn frustrating!? A brain-diseased person's rant!
Once upon a time... back when I didn't have a diseased brain... I understood computers. I was blessed with the ability to see "in my mind" the various screens that would be navigated through to get the desired result. I could read BACIS, Fortran, C , Novell networking... all in my mind. I could help get someone who was stuck un-stuck over the phone.
Lord, not any more! I HATE voicemail! I hate those damn automated systems with the myriad of options dronning on... for english press 1778475639! To hell with that! I want to talk to a person!
What has me upset today? Getting our damn meds refilled.
I hope you NEVER have the misfortune of having a chronic disease. I've had Parkinson's now for 16 going on 17 years. John's had it 20 years. We're on the same med we've been on since we were diagnosed. Our neurologist only sees us once a year because she can't do anything for us except try to manage our symptoms.
Well, we were supposed to see her in November. But she cancelled our appointment. So.... yesterday I had to get our 3 month refills. The Pill Box sent a request to the doctor. This morning, I get a call from their automated system telling I need refills on my medication. Yep. I know. Yep, you guys sent in a request for a new one. And then I'm given the option #3 to talk to a person. Sure. I press 3. Clink. Dammit!
So, I call the Pill Box. They are so nice. They tried to fill our script, but the Humana system indicates it's already been filled by another vendor... DAMMIT!
So, the I call the neurologist's office. Leave a message for the nurse on the voicemail. "We will call you back within 72 hours. If this is an emergency, go to the emergency room." So I leave a voicemail. "My husband & I need a refill on our sinemet cr. 50/200... can you please tell me who you sent the refill to? Our pharmacy said our insurance indicates another vendor already received payment for our order."
So, I get on my laptop & log onto the insurance website. Yes, I have an order from the pharmacy in transit. I have an outstanding balance to be paid. OK... Great. I click on the little box & make the payment.
Then, I log into John's account. Same insurance... same medication. Where's the damn little box to make the payment?! NOW WHAT THE HELL?! No little box. Crap! I check the particulars of his account. Yep, there's the debit card information. Yep, there's the "auto-pay" box... Why can't I click on the damn thing?!
Finally I get so angry I resort to the "chat with us" box. Someone named Rachel responds. After 10 minutes and many more pages & boxes & other foolishness she finally agrees that the payment option is not appearing on John's account. So, she manually processes the payment. Great!
So I thank her & get out of that mess.
Then I log onto the bank website. Yep, there's the payments for my meds & John's meds. Wonderful. I had to spend a good 45 minutes trying to figure out why I couldn't get my meds yesterday from the pharmacy I usually deal with all because the doctor's office cancelled our 1 appointment for the year.
If this is what life in the "new normal" is going to be like.... I want to opt out. I want to see a person. I want a piece of paper scribble on that no one can read. And I want the little pills that keep me from jumping out of my skin in my pretty little hand. Is that too much to ask for?!
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Nothing much to talk about...
I don't have much to talk about today. Joshua & I are going to run errands. Being it's the first of the month, we need to hit up the bank, grocery store, farm store and pharmacy.
We get our medication 3 months at a time, from The Pill Box Pharmacy. That helps with budgeting & also helps us feel like we always have our meds on hand. Neither of us take any heart, blood pressure or diabetic medications. Just the meds we need to help control our Parkinson's disease symptoms. We both take sinemet cr 50/200. It still works well for me.... but not so well for John. He never stops shaking now... which is very tiring. His voice is very low & his speech is very slurred. He has trouble chewing (and his dentures don't fit correctly). I have to cook all our red meat in the pressure cooker or he can't eat it.
We both also take a med to help control muscle spasms. We both get them - and those suckers HURT. The arch of my feet cramp & my toes curl up. Then the spasm goes up my calf muscle & into the back of my leg. Sometimes it travels all the way up my back. My left hip sometimes spasms and I can't bend my leg or rotate my legs "outwards". When this happens, sitting is very painful. Sometimes it happens when I get into the car. And sometimes I have to open the door & stick my leg out straight, just so I can be in the seat! Needless to say, this makes driving difficult!
Josh usually drives everywhere. Sometime I drive to Hardy for a quick grocery store run. Or to make a visit to Artasia the local yarn store. I love that store. Check out their Facebook page, Artasia. Laura & Janet make you feel welcome. They have great supplies for various crafts & also items to sell that were made by local artists.
When we go to the farm store, we go to Hersch Feed in Thayer, MO. And we go to Simmons Bank in Mammoth Springs.