Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Years Eve

Another year has come and gone.  They seem to fly by as I get older.

Many people make resolutions for the upcoming year.  I don't.  If I identify something in my life that needs to change, I contemplate & decide what it is I need to do about that particular issue.  I then make that change.

My thought processes resemble this...

Sometime I think so long and hard, I get lost in there!

I tend to meditate while I accomplish so repetitive task, such as spinning or pulling weed.  A simple but time consuming task.  Required, but mind-numbingly boring.  Exactly the activity I need to get into meditation mode.

Do you meditate?  When did you start?  I started very early in life.  Before I ever knew it was called "meditation".  I've always been a very kinesthetic person.  Sitting still is torture for me!  I must DO something....anything.  As a young child, 3 or 4, I discovered I could accomplish those repetitive tasks if I let my mind wander.  Traveling is what I called it.  My husband tells me that when I'm "traveling" I don't hear anyone talking to me.  That's true.  Because my focus is "out there", not here.

When I'm traveling, I check our property boundary, check on the spring, check on the people I care about. I try to make sure everyone and everything is ok.  Then I turn my focus inward & check on my self.  My body, my mental health.  Then, lastly, I check to see if my attention is required anywhere else.

This usually takes me about 20 minutes.  I do this every day.  It's part of my daily routine.

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