Our garden is growing! I spent most of the day on Tuesday weeding the rows and pulling up Jerusalem artichokes. Those guys really take over if you don't keep them under control! We started out with 1 row about 15 feet long. We ended up with the "row" growing about 10 feet wide. The poor potatoes were in the shade! Not any more.
This year we have cucumbers, zuchinni, crook neck squash, bell peppers, cayanne peppers, 5 variety of heirloom tomatoes, mixed greens, 1 candy roaster squash (this plant grows VERY large), 4 varieties of melon, rhubarb, asparagus, and garlic.
I put 37 eggs in the incubator back on May 1st. They started hatching yesterday. So far, we have 4 little cheepers in there. I have the brooder set up, and will get them in it this morning.
It was really chilly when I got up this morning, 45F. Yesterday, we broke the record lowest high daily temperature. Our high was 60. Geeze. It will warm up a bit this weekend, and more rain is in the forecast.
I finished knitting a merino wool/silk lace shawl for my neice-in-law to wear when she marries my nephew next week. I think it came out very well.
John did some brush hogging and mowing. Josh mowed the yard. I got the flower beds under control. Our place is looking pretty good!