Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snowy, cold weather

We've been having our share of cold snowy weather.  On Tuesday, last week it was 68 degrees!  Amazing.  By Thursday, it was raining and 34.  Then we had sleet and freezing rain, the temperature got down to 9 degrees!  On Friday, we had 10 inches of snow!  Damn, the weather in NE Arkansas sure can change!

Here's some pictures of our place once the snow stopped.

Looking at the fence and driveway, facing NE.

Looking at the fence and workshop/chickens facing north.

Looking at the house, facing wes
My husband and son went to the mailbox on Friday afternoon.  The mailbox was frozen shut!  No mail, the highway wasn't plowed.  The only vehicle moving was a tow truck with chains.

The chickens were nice and dry, with the new roof working perfectly!  No mud.  It was still cold, but the plastic kept the wind out.  No frost bite for our feathered friends.  That's good!

Can you see the icicles?  Some of them got VERY large.  Our house doesn't have gutters on this side.  With so many trees, they just fill with leaves in the winter.  We do have gutters on the south side of the house, they were full, with icicles hanging down too.
Facing south.

Our neighbor's cabin in the background.  John walked over and checked on everything.  Things were fine.

We had plenty of food on hand.  Plenty of wood and propane.  We haven't ventured out since Thursday morning, when I made a quick trip to the post office.  I think we're going to venture out and get milk and such today.  I need to check with the farm we get our milk from first.

We weathered this storm well.  No problems.  The power never even flickered off.  It's been cold and the dogs are getting a bit of cabin fever.  Otherwise, no big deal.

The weather is supposed to warm up in the next few days.  Still below freezing at night, but mid 30's during the day.

I'm sure we'll have more snow before Spring gets here.  I don't mind.  If it's going to be cold, I like having the beautiful snow to look at.

People need to make sure they have supplies on hand, before the storm comes.  We've read about fist fights in grocery stores south of here, over bread and milk!  Get real people!  Cripes!  Buy some bread and put it in the freezer!  Don't attack another human for it!  Craziness!

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