The chicks that hatched out 2 months ago have all found new homes. Our friend Jennifer took the Brahma Cochin chicks and the RIR/Copper Moran cross chicks. She posted a picture of them on Facebook. Very cute!
Jennifer's chicks
Friends Mark and Lisa came on Tuesday and picked up the RIR chicks. Here's a picture I took of them on Monday.
2 month old RIR chicks |
We had the incubator set up and had 18 guinea eggs and 18 chicken eggs set. And we got 3 chicks. Not sure if the hatch rate was so low because of storms... muddy conditions on the eggs - killing the embryo? Temperature wasn't right??? It's frustrating. But, it seems I have the best hatch rates first thing in the spring. The later I try, the lower the hatch rate. Anyway... We got 2 RIR chicks and one Brahma Cochin chick. The Cochin chick had a "birth injury", it's one leg was twisted. And the poor little thing expired yesterday. These 2 chicks are promised to our friend Beth. She got 8 RIR chicks from us last year. Six were hens and 2 roosters. One rooster has since become Sunday dinner.
Anyway... here's a picture of the 2 newest chicks.
Rhode Island Red chicks hatched 6 days ago |
The chicks that our Bantam hen Pebbles hatched 6 weeks ago are doing well. Pebbles is done raising them, and has started laying again. So, she's back in with the rooster Fred and the chicks are in a cage by themselves.
Bantam duck wing chicks 6 weeks old |
Fred and Pebbles |
It's been a week since my husband had surgery on his neck, having a plate inserted to help stabilize his vertebra. The surgery went well, and he's recuperating nicely. His horrible migraine headaches seem to have been cured. That is a great relief for him. He's suffered with daily headaches for the past year. Any relief he can get will really add to his quality of life. His Parkinson's seems to be a bit worse though. His shaking doesn't stop... Maybe another week or two of recovery will help.
Grand-daughter Ariel seems to be enjoying the summer so far. We took another trip down to the creek and caught crawfish on Tuesday afternoon. Josh tried to do a little fishing. But it seems all the larger fish went downstream after the last big rainfall we had last week. Oh well. There's always the Spring River.
I hope everyone else is enjoying their late Spring/early Summer. It's not really Summer until next week after the solstice. But it's been 95 plus the past few days. Thankfully, we have air conditioning!
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