Once again, I find myself lacking anything to blog about... Summer is gone. Three months have passed since I wrote anything.
Life here on Big Rock Farm has been rather uneventful. Summer was warm. We had a hot spell, then a wet spell, now a warm & dry spell. We got enough rain that our rain barrel was never empty. That's a first, I think.
Joshua & John went fishing one day & caught 3 brim to put in our "pond". We did our part, and raised 2 different breeds of tadpoles. Ariel always likes playing with them.
Work on the Hobbit House was rather slow.... but the door & window are in. The entire exterior has been coated with Hydro-Ban (water proofing), I finished the painting with the main colors. I still have some faux painting to do and some stenciling. And I need to lay the tile floor.
The "parlor"or main area in the Hobbit House |
Walking up to the front door |
The door & window. |
Mandala on a triangular shawl |
I did a bit of silk painting & dyeing this summer. I'm happy with the results.
Sun painting silk scarves & shawls |
Luna Moth silk shawl |
My friends Gena Stout & Dee Blansett & I had a booth at a local craft sale. I sold most of my hand dyed yarns (mostly to Dee). Here's a picture of our space.
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Health wise, I've been plagued by a chronic sinus infection. Annoying! John's still having trouble sleeping. I think I've joined him in that. Most mornings I wake between 3 & 5 o'clock. Today I woke up at 2:00.
Earlier, in May, I hatched out 10 Black Copper Maran chicks. As they grew up, I discovered we had 8 new roosters. Great! I advertised them for free on Facebook & Craig's list. Seven of them were gone within 2 hours. I kept 1 young rooster & 2 hens. I named the Prince, Mini & Betty. Our bantam hens sat on eggs all summer, but didn't hatch out even a single chick. Our adult Copper Maran rooster is named Elvis (because he "sings" from 3 AM to 10 PM), and his ladies are Ginger (RIR/Copper Maran cross), Mary Ann, & Mahogany.
This year's chicks
I knitted a wrap for my niece Kendra Kittle. It came out pretty well. Ariel was working on a project with the same pattern. I'm not sure it will ever get finished.
Starting Point knit along project
Now I'm crocheting ponchos for my great nieces.
"Virus" poncho for Nevaeh |
Poncho for Revan |
The Hardy Homesteader's quilting project was completed. I think it came out well. We will be giving it away on October 7th.