The fist book is "The Forgotten Crafts", by John Seymour. When I handed this book to my husband John, he was very interested. He looked through it for a few minutes, vowing to peruse it again.

Do you need to make an enclosure for your livestock? The section on stiles will help you design & construct it so that the animals can't get you & YOU can. Do you need a new, rugged pair of shoes? Learn how to cut your own clogs. Barrel making, saddle making, basket weaving, sod cutting, charcoal making. This book introduces you to the skill and shows you the tools you need to complete the task.
The second book, "The Forgotten Skills of Self-Sufficiency" by Caleb Warnock. This book was very interesting to me. The author quotes for farmer's journals from the 1840's and 1850's, discussing planting times, how to replant if needed (and it usually was), saving seed, establishing a community seed swapping network and raising chickens.

The third book, "Lost Crafts", by Una McGovern, is a real treasure. The print is tiny, and the book is thick.

This book cover a great assortment of crafts. From dry stone wall laying to soap making, milking a cow to skinning a rabbit, pickling to thatching, blacksmithing to weaving. Very handy for the homestead, to be sure!